
Sorey tales of zestiria wiki
Sorey tales of zestiria wiki

sorey tales of zestiria wiki

Hair the color of pale aquamarine, skin so fair as to seem translucent, sophisticated violet eyes. Sorey flicked a glance at Mikleo who was walking by his side. His description of Mikleo's appearance in the novel is also downright romantic: He is also canonically not attracted to any of his female comrades and is confused at the idea of finding naked women attractive. Ambiguously Gay: His relationship with Mikleo hits a lot of the same notes as previous chastity couples in the Tales series, with the Tales staff even referring to Mikleo as "his one and only".In the end, Sorey has to accept the limits of how much he can help people as a Shepherd while never losing his compassion, as shown when he is able to Mercy Kill Heldalf despite the latter's transgressions. There are also many problems beyond the Shepherd's capability, such as dealing with enemies who either cannot be purified or have no Malevolence to begin with. It's also noted that Shepherds can't afford to get too involved in politics or helping with every problem, since doing so will cause people to depend on them too much or cause them to take advantage of the Shepherd. However, it's often pointed out that the burden of saving everyone is too much for even the greatest Shepherds, leading to some of them turning into Hellions. He even states his desire for humans and Seraphim to live together. Once he becomes the Shepherd and gains the power to purify Hellions it's clear he wants to use it to save them. Even when someone starts off an enemy, Sorey will do everything in his power to help them or save them. On top of that, an entire gameplay mechanic involves finding unique discoveries and stone slabs. Adventurer Archaeologist: One of the reasons why he becomes the Shepherd is to explore ruins across the world.Adaptational Badass: In the anime he's able to purify dragons, though the cost in doing so can be really draining to him.In battle, he wields a one-handed sword and is able to fuse together with the Seraphim in a process called Armatization. Due to becoming a Shepherd after entering into a pact with Lailah, Sorey holds the power to calm the Hellion. He was raised by the Seraphim in Elysia, and due to his high levels of spirit energy, he is able to interact with them. Sorey is a kindhearted young man with a strong fascination with ancient ruins.

sorey tales of zestiria wiki

"Though I'm not sure that counts as an answer, I now know what path I want to take."

Sorey tales of zestiria wiki